
Albert Wing Stroke Recovery Fund

On February 1st, 2017, Albert Wing suffered a stroke which disabled the motor functions on the right side of his body from head to foot. After two weeks in the hospital, four more in a physical therapy facility, and now in a facility with no physical therapy available, he is still unable to stand or walk, and must continue to be under constant care and cannot yet go home. His medical expenses are mounting every day, yet he still requires months of physical therapy if there is to be any hope of recovery. We, his musical cohorts in Banned From Utopia, ask that you join us in helping Albert gather the funds necessary to cover his already overwhelming medical expenses and ongoing physical therapy expenses so that he can access the services he needs to recover from this debilitating, life changing, frightening experience, and return to being the productive, astonishingly creative musician he has been all his life. Imagine being a concert pianist and suddenly losing the use of your right hand. Your career, and your life, would be forever altered. That's what Albert is facing unless we pull together and lend a hand to a friend. Without ongoing physical therapy, regaining his prodiguous skills and the dignity of self-sufficiency will not be possible. Please, especially if you have ever seen or heard or been touched by Albert's music, help our friend with a donation, share this, spread the word, and know that you have made a difference in his life and future. Thank you!

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